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Neurointervention > Volume 16(1); 2021 > Article |
Trial | Study design | Indication | Interval | Primary endpoint | Periprocedural risk/ safety outcome | Long term FU |
EC-IC bypass [3] | Randomized, multicenter | Recent hemispheric stroke, retinal infarction, TIA with atherosclerotic narrowing or occlusion of ipsilateral ICA or MCA | Randomization to surgery; 9 days | 14% increase of relative risk in surgical group* | 0.6% & 2.5%† | |
Best medical care (ASA)+STA/MCA bypass vs. best medical care | ||||||
WASID [5] | Randomized, multicenter | TIA or stroke caused by 50–99% symptomatic major intracranial stenosis | 21.8% vs. 22.1%, (p=0.83, at 1.8 year FU)‡ | Death 9.7% vs. 4.3%/Major hemorrhage 8.3% vs. 3.2%, (p=0.02/p=0.01, at 1.8 year FU) | ||
Warfarin vs. ASA | ||||||
SAMMPRIS [4,15] | Randomized, multicenter | Recent TIA or stroke attributed to 70–99% stenosis of major intracranial artery | Symptom to randomization; 7 days vs. 7 days (median) | 20.0% vs. 12.2% (p=0.009, at 1 year)§ | 30 day stroke/death; 14.7% vs. 5.8% (p=0.002) | 23% vs. 15% (p=0.0252, at median 32.4 month FU)†† |
Wingspan stent+AMM vs. AMM (ASA for entire FU+clopidogrel for 90 days+BP/LDL cholesterol control+lifestyle modification program) | ||||||
VISSIT [6] | Randomized, multicenter | Symptomatic ICAS (70–99%) involving ICA, MCA, VA, BA with a hard TIA or stroke attributable to the target lesion within the past 30 days | Event to randomization; 12.3 vs. 15.2 days (mean) | 36.2% vs. 15.1% (p=0.02, at 1 year)|| | Any stroke, death, or ICH within 30 days of randomization+any hard TIA between day 2–30 of randomization; 24.1% vs. 9.4% (p=0.05) | |
Balloon expandable stent+medical vs. medical | ||||||
WEAVE [7] | Single-arm, multicenter, Wingspan stent | 22–80 years old, symptomatic ICAS 70–99% (artery Ø ≥2 mm), baseline mRS ≤3, ≥2 strokes in the vascular territory of the stenotic lesion with at least 1 stroke while on medical therapy, and stenting ≥8 days after the last stroke | Stroke to stent interval; 22 days (median, range; 8–371 days) | 2.6%¶ | ||
WOVEN [6] | WEAVE 1 year FU | 8.5%* | Stroke severity; Minor/major stroke n=6/1 |
EC-IC, Extracranial to intracranial; WASID, Warfarin–Aspirin Symptomatic Intracranial Disease; SAMMPRIS, Stenting and Aggressive Medical Management for Preventing Recurrent Stroke in Intracranial Stenosis; VISSIT, Vitesse Intracranial Stent Study for Ischemic Stroke Therapy; WEAVE, Wingspan Stent System Post Market Surveillance; WOVEN, Wingspan One-year Vascular Events and Neurologic Outcomes; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; STA, superficial temporal artery; MCA, middle cerebral artery; TIA, transient ischemic attack; ICAS, intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis; ICA, internal carotid artery; VA, vertebral artery; BA, basilar artery; BP, blood pressure; LDL, low density lipoprotein; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; AMM; aggressive medical management; FU, follow up.
§ Stroke or death within 30 days after enrollment or after a revascularization procedure for the qualifying lesion during the FU period or ischemic stroke in the territory of the qualifying artery between day 31 and the end of the follow-up period.
|| Stroke in the same territory within 12 months of randomization or hard TIA in the same territory day 2 through month 12 postrandomization.