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Neurointervention > Volume 16(2); 2021 > Article |
Ethics Statement
This case report was approved by the Institutional Review Board (Inje Universty Busan Paik Hospital Institutional Bioethics Committee) and conducted according to the criteria set by the declaration of Helsinki. Since the consent for publication was not available for the patient in this case report, the patient’s information was anonymized by removing the sex and specific age.
Author Contribution
Concept and design: SK and JHP. Analysis and interpretation: YWS, SK, and JHP. Data collection: YWS and SK. Writing the article: YWS and JHP. Critical revision of the article: SK, JWB, HGL, JHK, SHP, SYP, SJ, HWJ, and YGJ. Final approval of the article: JHP, JWB, HGL, JHK, SHP, SYP, SJ, HWJ, and YGJ. Statistical analysis: SK.