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Neurointervention > Volume 18(2); 2023 > Article |
Ethics Statement
This study was a case report that anonymously reported and there was no identifiable information about the patient so it does not need it. Informed consent was obtained from the family of the patient for the publication of this case report.
Conflicts of Interest
Ashkan Mowla is speaker bureau and consultant to Cerenovus, Stryker, Wallaby Medical, RapidAI, BALT USA, LLC.
Author Contributions
Concept and design: LAH, SA, MHM, AM, and HB. Analysis and interpretation: SA and AM. Writing the article: LAH, SA, MHM, SH, AM, and HB. Critical revision of the article: LAH, SA, MHM, SH, AM, and HB. Final approval of the article: LAH, SA, MHM, SH, AM, and HB. Statistical analysis: SH. Overall responsibility: LAH, SA, MHM, SH, AM, and HB.